Knowl County Magazine 1951

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Knowl County Magazine 1951
At Bedtime

As I mounted up the stairs,
One cold and gloomy night,
I heard my mother singing,
Singing gay and bright.

As I opened up my door,
I put the light on quick.
Because I was so frightened
Of the old door's click.

And then I jumped into my bed,
That cold and gloomy night,
Thinking of my happy day,
And that small small fright.

I put my head on the pillow,
And stared at the stars so bright
Waiting for the coming morning,
And the pure clear light.

David Clegg.

A Film I have enjoyed.

The film I enjoyed was "Treasure Island". It is about a young boy named Jim Hawkins, who after many adventures becomes a member of a treasure hunting party. There are many more adventures before the treasure is found.
I like "Treasure Island" because it is exciting and adventurous; it seems true and it is humorous in parts. It is from the book by Robert Louis Stevenson.

Kenneth Smith

A Snooker Handicap.

A thrilling experience I had was being in the finals at snooker at the club. On Saturday night I received a cue from my father and went to the Centre to practise. There was quite a crowd assembled when I opened the door and walked in. There was a table tennis match in progress and there was smoke from the fires and cigarettes.
When it was my turn to play at snooker I was very nervous. The balls were set up and my opponent, who was Mr J Chatman started the game. The balls were disappearing after being "shopped".
At the end I was the winner with seventy five points and Mr Chatman had sixty six. This was a very proud moment for me for I was the youngest member.
A photographer took the photos of the winners of the games which had been played. We all received a Biro each and went home feeling very pleased.

David Robert Wright.

Jolly Roger.

I am a jolly pirate and sail upon the seas,
I sail under the pirate flag that flaps in the breeze
My name is Jolly Roger, I'm as bold as bold can be
I have a score and twenty men who sail upon the sea with me.

Brian Thurlow.


Every year we go to the pantomime. The one which I liked best was Aladdin. We went this year on the Friday before we returned to school after Christmas.
It was at Bradford Alhambra and we sat near the front. The scenery was beautiful and there were many amusing parts.
We all thought it had been an enjoyable and happy day.

Barbara Home.

B.B.C. Review.

The first programme which I am going to review is "Saturday Night Theatre", on at 9.15 p.m. There are some interesting plays and there are some thrillers and comedies.
Of course I must mention "Wednesday Matinee". They are mostly thrillers and come on at 8.30. I like a serial called "The Mounties". It is a weekly programme about the Mounted Police in the 1290s that comes on the air at 7.30 for half an hour on Tuesdays.
On Monday there is also a matinee. I am sure you would enjoy it. It is like the Wednesday one and comes on the air at 4.45pm.

Brian Cooke.

A Book I Have Enjoyed.

One book I enjoyed was "Wind in the Willows". It is all about animals which act just like humans. The main character is the notorious Mr. Toad.
Toad is quite a wealthy man and he has a certain craze for motor cars. At one point of the story he is given a severe sentence in prison for stealing a motor car but he escapes and becomes quite a different Toad. No longer a foolish and notorious animal he is now loyal to his friends.
I like this book because it is amusing and the author Kenneth Grahame describes the animals as though they were real people.

David Wright.

The Highwayman.

The night was dark, the moon was full,
The mist crept down the lane,
A moaning noise from the farmer's bull,
Trying to sleep: all in vain.

The highwayman came down the lane,
On his bonny horse Black Bess.
He'd searched throughout the night in vain
To find a place to rest.

The moon shone on the farmer's barn,
The place the cows liked best,
Dick Turpin slept that night in the barn.
That's where he found his rest.

Kenneth Smith.

The Snowman

Winter is a lovely time,
With frost and snow end ice,
Children's faces all aglow,
And bulging with mince pies.

There was a snow man in the yard,
He looked so very cold.
I brought him in before the fire,
But oh my mum did scold.

Roy Stringer.

Our Christmas Party.

The party was on Friday the 15th of December. At the party we had a fancy hat contest. We made the hats ourselves from such things as fancy paper. John Pinder used a hat belonging to his father. David Wright and Roy Middleton decorated their own hats. David Muffet who won the contest, made his of cheese boxes with some artificial ferns.
I myself made one of fancy paper and stuck on labels.
We had a cake made by Miss Ledgard who lives up James Street off Old Bank Road. John Laverton and Kenneth Smith wrote to thank her for the cake which we enjoyed. After tea we played games - "Towns" "Yes and No" and many others.
The party finished about eight. I went home feeling happy and I am sure the others did too.

Stephen Mitchell.

A Day spent helping a Grown-up.

One day in the early morning, I got up at my mother's call. When I had dressed and eaten my breakfast, my mother said to me "I want you to go to your Auntie's today. I shall be out nearly all the time and you can play with your cousins but do not forget to help your aunt". "I'm sure I shall be happy there".
I quickly slipped on my hat and coat. Unhesitating I dashed outside and only just caught the bus. When it reached its destination I alighted and ran nimbly across the road to my auntie's home. She greeted me with surprise.
"Hullo dear" she said affectionately "I was not expecting to see you today".
"My mother's gone out for the day and she told me to come to you" I smiled.
"Well I'm glad to sec you - come in."
I saw the dishes in the bowl not yet washed. My aunt was about to wash them when I offered to do them and she let me. After I had washed them I asked her if she had any errands I could do.
"Well if you like you can go to Mr. Parkin's shop and get the things I tell you" she said pleasantly.
I soon finished the shopping and seeing the furn¬iture needed dusting I picked up a duster and set to work. When I finished the job I asked if my auntie wanted any more jobs doing. For answer she said "If you would like to polish this floor with the big tin of polish, you may".
"Certainly" I said. I set to work and polished with a will. Soon the floor shone brightly. After that I wandered round the house until I came to the bedroom. I saw the beds were not made so quickly and quietly I made them. When I told my aunt what I had done she was very pleased.
"Well you have been a help" she smiled. After a while we settled down to a delicious tea. I really thought it had been an exciting day.

Judith Scott.